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toucan music : By The Water

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Catalog number
Playtime: 20:03 - 256kb/s - 30.07 MB
Date released
Date published
2012/03/06 21:48h



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Release Notes

Two remixes of the Space Invaderz and Psychadelik Pedestrian collaboration By The Water feature in this release from Toucan Music. First up is a brand new progressive trance remix by Aerologic which adds haunting pads and rhythmic synths the melodic arpeggios featured in the original, and builds to a crescendo before breaking down with the tune and finally bringing in the hard synth stab patterns from the original. The second remix is a remastered version of the JMD hard trance remix originally released in 2005 as one of our Premium releases, and now available free of charge under a Creative Commons licence for the first time. This mix pumps up the tempo a notch and adds sizzling, epic trance riffs and rolling arpeggio bass to the original track. Release picture by Sid Mosdell on Flickr and re-used under a Creative Commons licence:

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