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Catalog number
Playtime: 18:58 - 320kb/s - 35.56 MB
Date released
Date published
2010/05/11 19:24h



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Release Notes

Hands together for Dimitri Barnias, a.k.a. DOK, who has taken a 90 degrees positive music turn with his new release, Buzz. Forget subliminal soundscapes and artificial ambiences found in his previous works. Here is an undercover head-buzz of down tempo minimal techno, injected with a mixed shot of IDM and Dub. True, the sound here is definitely unique. The groove's beats are large and it sounds like each note has been placed carefully on the grid rather than simply automated by a step sequencer, the bass lines (where available) are simple but rock solid, while TV-style chopped-up vocal lines add a magic touch for this charming, rhythmic soundscape. From 'Buzz' highlights are difficult to pick. Transitions one to three sound like they belong to the same league with small tempo variations. The groove is soulful, soft and at the same time confident and strong. The spoken samples lose their actual meaning and become a rather interesting sound toy in the composition, while the percussion samples drop deep into the sonicspace. All three first tracks are blending comfortably with each other, somehow like they complete one another. The last track, Transition Part 4 (OA535) is probably a favorite and follows a slightly different music direction. The groove remains strong and after two difficult minutes of introduction, a progressive blast of Reaktor-style resonated sequencers and overdriven electric guitars promising music peaks and dips of endless quality. The whole release is nicely produced and if you came to this dance-electronica party late, we couldn't recommend a better entry point to start. All tracks w+p by Dimitri Barnias, 1999, London, UK Remastered by Dimitri Barnias 2007, Crete, Greece.

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