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top 40 : Busking for gas money

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Catalog number
Playtime: 32:54 - 192kb/s - 37.01 MB
Date published
2010/05/02 06:30h



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Release Notes

Todd Carter :: acoustic and electronic instrumentsBrent Gutzeit :: acoustic and electronic instrumentsMichael Hartman :: acoustic and electronic instrumentsBoris Hauf :: acoustic and electronic instrumentsTV Pow is a trio of composers and free improvisers first organized in Tokyo in 1995 by Michael Hartman and Brent Gutzeit, and later joined by Todd Carter in the move to Chicago in 1996. They employ samplers, percussion, invented instruments, synthesizers, turntables, tape manipulation, computers and multi-speaker surround-sound systems in a constantly evolving soundscape of sparkling electronics, ambient drones, minimalist techno, and cinematic field recordings. Creating through live performance something both new and recombinant, TV Pow has toured throughout Japan, Europe, and the United States. Most of their studio albums are the montages and re-edits of various live performances and recorded improvisations.Originally, Busking for gas money was put together to be sold at live shows during the tour to raise the money to pay for a gasoline. Of course, it never actually worked out. But that doesn't change the fact that the album is a mind-blowing piece of delicious experimental minimalism, beautiful, well-shaped microwaves and distant field recordings.* Each track is named by the initials of the composer: MH for Michael Hartman, TC for Todd Carter, etc.

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