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Internet-Recordings : Born Ready [www012]

Catalog number
Playtime: 5:16 - 320kb/s - 9.88 MB
Date published
2012/03/15 03:20h



tranceravemelodic2-stepfrancehardmidrangedrum & bassbenousawtoothscreech Please login to edit Tags
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Release Notes

Internet Recordings goes into 2012 with www012 by Benou, a french producer, DJ, musician and promoter coming from the french Metal and freeparty scene. He performed and released an EP and an album with the band Cubensis, released three Hardtechno 12" vinyl singles (two in 2006 and one in 2008) on Protoprod (a sublabel of the mighty french Infrabass sound system / label collective) and has also been exploring Bass Music and the DOA Grid for a while now. This is his first officially released Drum & Bass tune.

Benou links: Soundcloud, Discogs, Youtube

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