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editora do porto : Boiar - Sete Bóias A Boiar Ao Sábado

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Playtime: 01:05:00 - 195kb/s - 74.17 MB
Date released
Date published
2014/07/27 12:06h



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Release Notes

Peça concebida propositadamente para radiodifusão n’O Arranca Corações.

Este trabalho pretende agarrar o ouvinte para um desafio simples que poderá realizar a partir dum qualquer ponto sonoro exposto; conseguir o auditor desenvolver uma superconsciência auditiva que o leve a emigrar para fora do tempo/espaço usando como meio para tal fim a multiplicidade das formas auditivas expressas. Quanto mais se deixar absorver por elas mais depressa apreende o fluxo e o refluxo das ondas sonoras em presença, assim como a unidade intrínseca destas no todo consciente (superconsciente), a isto chama-se Boiar. Arte nobre hoje em dia quase esquecida e pouco praticada.

This work intends to grab the listener for a simple challenge that (s)he will be able to carry out from any exposed sound point; getting the listener to develop a superconsciousness hearing (awareness) that will lead her/him to emigrate out of time/space, using as a means to this end the multiplicity of hearing expressed forms. The more we let ourselves be absorbed by them the quicker we'll apprehend the flow and reflow of the existing sound waves, as well as their intrinsic unity in the conscious whole, this is called Boiar, (Boiar is not "to Float"; Boiar is much more than simply floating). Noble art nearly forgotten today and rarely practiced.

Boiar is:

João Ricardo - Synthesizers, guitar, battery, laptop and fx (i.e. small toys difficult to specify);
João Santos - Acoustic bass, electric bass, traps, concertina, hornpipe, flute synthesized, laptop and fx;
José Soares - Keyboards, synthesizers, guitars, battery, cello, anything at hand, laptop and fx;
Paulo Santos - Voice, acoustic and electric guitar, keys, trumpet, percussion, laptop on/off.

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