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RecyclingRecords : Black Box Music: Cut-Off

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Catalog number
Playtime: 25:05 - 320kb/s - 47.03 MB
Date released
Date published
2011/06/25 17:29h



noiseexperimentalplunderphonicsrecycling Please login to edit Tags
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Release Notes

Recycling Records proudly presents work of an artist who’s name is well known in many places around the whole world. Antanas Jasenka is one of the most famous Lithuanian avant-garde composers. During many years of his presence on electronic music scene he recorded dozens of albums released mostly by netlabels in different countries. In his music activity concentrates on creating and processing sounds of electronic noise but also composes for animations, movies and theatres. In many projects worked together with famous artists like Jim O’Rourke, Ryoji Ikeda, Merzbow or The Hafler Trio. His compositions are presented in Europe and America and himself performed in many countries all around the world.

"Cut-Off" is part of "Black Box Music" series. Although recordings were made in 1998 they are now fully published for the first time. What's hidden in black box this time? Three compositions were prepared with two cassette recorders, scissors and self stick tape - they are fully handmade without any computer or digital interventions. Deconstructions were base for creating collages similar to classic plunderphonic compositions from John Oswald's "Plunderphonics".

Antanas Jasenka at MySpace:

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