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Feedoptions : Black, White & Red

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Playtime: 01:45:42 - 263kb/s - 163.37 MB
Date released
Date published
2015/11/18 13:08h



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Release Notes

ABR: “So, let’s start from the name of the album. It’s “Black, white & red”. If you’ve heard the album you could see that there is very many styles of electronic music. Some of them are almost rock I called them instrumental electronic music. So, let’s talk about the colours of the album. At the beginning album was planned to have a name “White Release”. But I decided to include all of my present material into the one wide-ranged album. So, white - it’s a colour of present edm music, colour of tracks as “Fake69”, “Eugenics”. Some could say that these track are commercials, but really they’re too experimental for being truely mainstream EDM. Black - the colour of experimentations, the colour of my musical roots. Experiments like “Back in Red”, “Loner”. Red is colour of music I always liked but stopped to make it someday. This is the colour of tracks “Unknown Motherland” and “Synthetic Lovers” that was accidently deleted. Fate is relentless sometimes.
On the other side, album’s name has a thought of the third side in this life, you know. That there is not only black or white side, there must be something else, something more to live for, to reach for. That’s why I’ll never be a single genre musician. Electronic music is not just a TB-303 and TR-909. Electronic music is not just the loops and beats. It is an idea, it is a condition, it is freedom of thought and life.
Special thanks to Feedoptions label to release this stuff. Because it could be impossible to release this album on other label. Great thanks to Vadim Subbotin and Arthur Galstyan. People that push me forward to music. And big thanks to Mary Alstrein for the picture of me on the cover.
Have a nice music. Thank you.”

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