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DAST Net Recordings : Bitter Glanz EP

Catalog number
Playtime: 21:35 - 320kb/s - 40.47 MB
Date released
Date published
2012/01/30 09:52h



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Release Notes

Artist....: Koolkilla
Title....: Bitter Glanz EP
Label....: DAST Net Recordings
Catalog#....: DAST030
Medium....: 5 x File / EP
Playtime....: 21min 33sec
Format....: WAVE
Quality....: (1411 kBit/s / Original Master Files)
Mastering...: Mèrge Audio Works
Country....: Germany
Released....: 29 Jan 2012
Genre....: Electronic
Style....: Electro, Dub

It is already over a year ago since the last solo work of Koolkilla (Galip Savli). But the wait has been worth it, here is the third release now under the solo project. Koolkilla knows masterly completely different genres into a unique sound experience merge with each other. The friends of "minimalism", "vintage electro", "dub" and not least "Hip Hop" will be thrilled with safety.

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