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Audiocast Productions : Best Lap Best Pool

Catalog number
Playtime: 3:54 - 160kb/s - 3.66 MB
Date released
Date published
2010/07/15 20:09h



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Release Notes

"I'm a swimming freak, I've been swimming since childhood. Many of my tracks carry the ambiance of the pools and also in some tracks the pace while doing lanes. I still can't live without swimming. I named this track Best Lap Best Pool because swimmers have their favorite pool and during a session, remember their favorite lane (Well at least i do). The cover album art is the work of my friend and wonderful photographer Nicole Janine Sacharow. Enjoy my track and feel free to comment or give feedback!" - Marc Bestgen ================= Thanks for listening, and be sure to check out Marc's Website - For more information on this release, the artist or Audiocast Productions please visit our website:" target="_blank">

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