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rawmatroid : Bassically Yours

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Catalog number
Playtime: 24:15 - 320kb/s - 45.47 MB
Date released
Date published
2010/09/13 13:05h



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Release Notes

4 new tracks, including a live version, forms this 8th reference of Club sublabel, composed in this occasion by Laszlo Hollyfield: “Bassically Yours EP”

“The EP was created having in mind the more tacky eighties funk, giving it a more current sound using rhythms more marked. Of course, I was influenced by early 90s trance, and I think it shows in whatever i do.”

The melody synth driven to blow and the sharp percussion of Trauma Disco open with force and without any complex this work, with obvious influences from which Laszlo speaks previously.Modabazo is like an acid track, as it sounds, let us gradually in our ears a psychedelic flavor.

In Vaporoso, he seduces us again melodically, this time in a softer way and with the same slightly accelerated bpm  of the previous tracks.

As the final track, a live version called Hill Valley: smooth beats and a certain melancholy in the air that close so great “Bassically Yours EP”, a work with a clear and unmistakable retro essence mark of Laszlo Hollyfield.

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