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RecyclingRecords : Back Out

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Catalog number
Playtime: 42:50 - 320kb/s - 80.31 MB
Date released
Date published
2011/06/25 17:10h



experimentalelectronicfreejazzplunderphonicsimprorecycling Please login to edit Tags
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Release Notes

PERRY FERYA - folk musician born and working in Central Pomerania. In cooperation with two other folk artists: Maya (Skala, Cosmic Liar & Murderer, ex- Rzepczyno Folk Band, OKW, Tetmayer & others) and Lech - local animator of Western African drumming traditions - plundered sounds recorded with them over the years to form the "Back Out" album. Works of Perry Ferya Band descend from the culture of local proletariat clubs. "Back out" reflects tradition of collective music playing 'under the influence' out of the longing for the big world and reflections on human fate. If there's still anyone with undisturbed joy of playing, it's for sure the Perry Ferya Band.

"Back Out" refers to the tradition of experimental improvisations from 60's & 70's transferred into the field of plunderphonics. Bits used to create the album were made out of recordings of instruments which were later processed and mixed together. Next step in recycling their own works was live improvisation on these collages. "Back Out" brings together electronics and psychodelic neofolk, improvisation and studio processing and for it's creators was just a great fun to play with sounds

Perry Ferya Band are :
Robert Roger Demidziuk
Grzegorz Gbart Bartkowiak
Krzysztof Maya Ruciński
Leszek Trzmielewski
Tomasz Marko

Live improvisations recorded in Jahjio Henyo Rec. Studio
Cover, Mix & Mastering by R.R. Demidziuk

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