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fish recordings : B.H. - Varva

Released on
Catalog number
Playtime: 6:57 - 320kb/s - 13.03 MB
Date released
Date published
2009/12/07 23:37h



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Release Notes

this time we team up with ukrainian producer b.h. and this untitled ep.the funny thing is, that in germany b.h. is a shortcut for the english term "bra".so, we can offer different types of bras now:"varva" is the first one. most women in varva, ukraine do not wear bras, so this type of bra is just no bra! (woodstock-style)"eins zwei drei" is another one. it is made for girls with one, two,or even three (english for "eins zwei drei") breasts."degenerator" is the type of bra for gammer."damper" is one made for girls with "hydraulics in their g-string" (common sentence by world famous entertainer elephant man). now they can have them in their bras, too!no insult intended ;-)and now check out the tracks by b.h.!

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