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12rec : Ask No Lies

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Catalog number
Playtime: 29:03 - 192kb/s - 32.68 MB
Date published
2009/09/14 15:31h



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Release Notes

when you go through the reviews stèphane received for his obadia-release with ADIM, you'll find critics being confused about how to judge his music. is it danceable, does it move my butt? might stèph even be innit for popmusic as you can always find a moment of melody to stick to? or are there more academical reasons, something about recycling, glitch-asthetics and stuff? thing is, as we here at 12rec believe, stéphane prefers fooling around with genres. if you listen to the hot new rob steady EP, you'll find him getting more abstract and experimental.stèphane asked us not to write too much about the music, so we're just trying to give you an idea. what do you expect?hurry to order the CDR, as first edition copies come up with a limited nice little poster to decorate your living room.

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