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12rec : As Seen From Above

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Playtime: 40:45 - 192kb/s - 45.84 MB
Date published
2009/09/14 15:25h



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Release Notes

i got an email from our dear friend stephane obadia. he told me about this guy from italy that calls himself after the sound of a steam train, ciuf ciuf, got it? steph was very excited bout his music and so are we.

just check the first song i feel like a clean blackboard: along with his mates matteo mohorovicich at sax & clarinet and daniele dalla pellegrina at trumpet, oliviero farneti creates a surprisingly catchy and slightly surrealistic pop-song that knows about dance-music, lo-fi indierock and jazz (!). bet you'll whistle this one when you leave the house. we the ants sucks you in with his beautiful warm guitar-riffing. this song didn't leave my head for weeks! it ends with a little free-jazz woodwind-intermezzo. stunning. i think i saw a dead person walking yesterday expands olivieros sound-cosmos back to the sixties- these sweet vocal-harmonies in the middle make you think of the beach boys immediately. along with cheap synth-melodies, noisy wall-of-sound guitars and the trademark-woodwinds of matteo and daniele, by the way. demons, song seven, introduces the housy bassdrum and could have fit on the last gorillaz-album without a problem. the unspeakable chant of a collapsing universe afterwards exactly sounds like this: about nine minutes of psychedelic kraut-pop build on a small repetitive synth-motive. el senor ciuf ciuf waves hello to the early flaming lips.

indeed, this description might sound a little weird. the album doesn't! although there are a lot of moods and styles to be heard, oliviero's melodies, his voice and his sound of lo-fi homerecording hold it all together.the beautiful artwork is an adaption of a comic short story by joey weiser from the US. the CDR-edition (limited to 50 hand-numbered copies) comes with four coloured cardboard-cards printed with the story "flight". check his homepage and order all the other mini comics, they're worth it!

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