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restingbell : April Triptych

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Catalog number
Playtime: 02:01:51 - 320kb/s - 228.47 MB
Date released
Date published
2011/04/29 11:48h



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Release Notes

Collin Thomas is an experimental musician, composer, and artist. He has composed numerous pieces including works for percussion, winds and many different chamber ensembles. As an experimental musician, Thomas has released over ten albums, many of which can be downloaded for free.

April Triptych is a two hour long piece chronicling a typical suburban morning, afternoon, and night. Elements of three are two-fold: 1. three field recordings of a backyard in a housing complex layered and sequenced. 2. three musical elements, two utilizing traditional instruments, the third an extremely elongated renaissance madrigal using sine waves.

Thomas creates a truely unique cosmos with these four elements. Bird sounds, leaves, voices and gusts of wind are woven together with piano sprinkles and a grounding, drone-like basement, taking the listener on a long and calming voyage.

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