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Enshrine : Anchor Empire

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Catalog number
Playtime: 11:28 - 229kb/s - 15.39 MB
Date released
Date published
2013/05/10 10:02h



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Release Notes

Enshrine music proudly presents it's fourth release in Net Series catalogue: second EP from talented newcomer Extend! Extend is Vladimir from Belgrade, Serbia. He's already well known for his progressive and techno project Float, releasing music and performing live since 2008. Lately, with discovery of various musical styles and genres, he started expressing his ideas through two new projects: Under The Falling Sky (ambient, space, drone, soundscapes) and Extend, which focuses on all kinds of broken beats, glitches and atmospheres. After his first EP on Enshrine (Change To Be The Same EP - ENN02), Extend continues his sonic explorations with two new amazing tracks. Anchor Empire stretches across IDM, dubstep and breakbeat territories, connecting light and warm pads and chords with dark and unsettling guitar riffs and raw glitches. Pros & Cons is produced in collaboration with Ariva, another Serbian newcomer, which is a new project from Vid Marjanovic, Vladimir's production,dj and event organizing partner. This tracks flows towards jazzy organic fields with it's dynamic and shuffled rhythms and subtropical rainforest flutes, but does not exclude Extend's psychedelic layers and atmospheres. This release is free/donation based and will be released on 9th May 2013 exclusively on bandcamp.

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