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Foundamental Network : Amber (Live)

Catalog number
Playtime: 01:06:54 - 192kb/s - 75.26 MB
Date published
2011/03/29 21:12h

Custom license, please check on labels website.


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Release Notes

Live-set Amber was recorder in Sevastopol at the party with the participation of Sleepy Town Manufacture and Unit 21, and is one of few joint gigs of two Belarusian IDM projects. Koordinate of Wonders is veterans of the Belarusian scene, working in the genre of experimental electronic music since 1998. KOW published in compilation of English label Toytronic in 2006, along with such musicians as Maps and Diagrams and Gimmik, on Russian label SHUM and Belarusian Gizmo Lab. Eepl cat is a group of people who make music together under one project name since 2000. Their gigs often held in the form of mad performance. On this party project Eepl cat was represented by media artist and musician Alexander Legan (l.260).

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