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Synthematik : Aloneluna

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Catalog number
Playtime: 44:02 - 192kb/s - 49.51 MB
Date released
Date published
2012/02/12 11:54h



indiesynthpopnew waveelectropop Please login to edit Tags
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Release Notes

Synthematik is excited to present the official release of the Aloneluna album from Mezzamo, one of the most artistic groups in Russia.
Formed in 2006, Mezzamo has to date released a Russian-language album 'Mnogotochie' and an English-language single 'Everything You', which received lots of positive reaction worldwide. The band was named the best newcomer of the international indie festival Stereoleto 2009 and nominated for the Undeground Act 2009 award. Band's video clips full of vivid emotional imagery can be seen on various Russian alternative TV channels.
Mezzamo seamlessly combines all the great things from the 80s new wave era with a stylish indie pop extravagance of the 90s. With Shura Zhuravleva's gentle and compelling voice weaving through the music, Mezzamo is doubtlessly the best antidote against the grey indifference of the outer world.
It's rather difficult to point out the apparent parallels for those who like getting things shelved, but placing Mezzamo somewhere between Blondie, Annie Lennox and Saint Etienne might be a good idea.
The album 'Aloneluna', previously available as a demo, has been thoroughly remixed and remastered. The official birth date of the album has been symbolically set to January 7th (the Russian Christmas).
Aloneluna brings you 11 songs filled with sparkling melodies, compelling vocals and sincere emotions alongside with an excellent exclusive mix from Alpha Point adding some lively and exciting vibe to your everyday routine!

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