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Acustronica : Ala Social Net 2012

Released on
Playtime: 19:21 - 256kb/s - 29.02 MB
Date published
2013/04/04 19:44h



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Release Notes

Starting from an idea of Adriano Bossola and Giampaolo Campus and thanks to the Skywine Showroom support , there was a meeting in Ala (TN) on 12th January 2012 among some Italian netlabels. The aim of this event was to estabilish an active collaboration among the participants. This to get a wider spread of the Creative Commons Music in Italy and to create events with musicians belonging to this area.
During the two days meeting, the musicians coming from the invited netlabels performed first their own live music and then they joined together in a final improvisation session. From this last event it came out the idea to start a first collaboration project and, so, to publish this session on the web as a free download. On this occasion four of the following netlabels playing in Ala decided then to join the release publishing it simultaneously on the web:

ozky e-sound

Musicians joining the improvisation session:

Cesare Discepoli – guitar
Enrico Coniglio – laptop, psalterium, sampler
Francesca Coniglio – live visuals Giampaolo Campus - zither
Massimo Croce - laptop
Massimo Discepoli - synth
Sergio Camedda – sampler

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