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phonocake : Airline

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Playtime: 53:42 - 220kb/s - 69.64 MB
Date released



ambientvideomysterious spheresdreamworkingsoundscapemp3peacyalbumsounddesignlaidbacksound artminimalismcinematic ambientsmelodiesintrospectivetrancey Please login to edit Tags
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Release Notes

We just apply the brakes. Tea bowls, pieces of cake and art are perceivable only in slow motion. Relatively free structured sound design let the issue of music and antimusic arise. Design studies and sound collages by a Dresden-based solo-artist, who is otherwise active in the fields of Electro and Hip Hop. Watching from a crumb perspective. Musical Koans, which only illusionary follow conventions. Conventions, that are basically already discarded. Indeed the single tracks 'see' and 'meet' each other, but do not really find together. Here you find a story of disengagement und passing one and another. Those, who try to catch the complexity will be left behind with a hand full of sand, which leaks through the fingers.

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