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fish recordings : Air J - Blocking Thoughts

Released on
Catalog number
Playtime: 5:08 - 320kb/s - 9.62 MB
Date released
Date published
2010/01/04 13:17h



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Release Notes

please follow these steps if you are in a bad mood:1. clear your mind and be calm. blocking bad thoughts will be easierif you do this.2. approach the situation at hand with calm thoughts and feelings.3. think of only the positives. if you are all positive, no badthoughts will occur.4. concentrate on tranquility and gentleness. this will calm yoursenses down.5. do your best not to focus on the down side. think of how unlikelythe bad things are to there are many other methods of relaxation. the two that would help you the best in some cases are hypnotism and meditation.

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