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Yarn Audio : Adaption Disorder

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Playtime: 8:20 - 320kb/s - 15.62 MB
Date released
Date published
2013/02/24 16:02h



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Release Notes

„Adaption Disorder“, the third EP for the Berlin-based netlabel Yarn Audio, comes from Terrorrythmus following releases for Betonblume, Abulia Concepts und World Wide Juke. Banging 808-beats meet nasty rhythms. Experimental enthusiasm encounters dreamy pads and mangled vocals. An insider tip for fans of TNGHT, Flosstradamus, Murderbot and co. Who says fresh juke- and trap-sounds are coming exclusively from the UK or USA?
The gentle chords and brutal beats of the opener „40h“ only need a few bars to transport you deep into the world of the „Adaption Discorder“. With its chirping hi-hats, exaggerated low-end and sharp melodies „From the Hood“ could easily become the next ghetto-anthem and even be played in the pimped BMWs of Berlin's petty criminals. Fortunately the third tune „Post Smack“ doesn't sound lose any of that energy at all: The smooth melodies of „40h“ come together with „From The Hood“'s energetic trap-sound.
Terrorrythmus, a German producer and DJ from Bremen, has been involved in the bassmusic-scene for ten years, back when jungle and breakcore were hip. His party-series „Subunternehmen“ has been the first ever event to bring Dubstep into the Hanseatic city . By now the 26-year-old musician is crazy about footwork and trap but still hasn't forgotten his roots. He promotes his sound with his own imprint Latenz and the „DOOM“-parties.
The latest EP from Yarn Audio fits perfectly into the trap- and juke-genre, which slowly but surely also gets German dancefloors to go nuts. The three tracks are full of wicked breaks and broken beats, a homage to the roughness of early jungle. You instantly hear that „Adaption Discorder“ is inspired by a decade of bassmusic. The EP's title reflects its programme: Terrorrythmus isn't chasing the hype but jumps easily between elements of various genres. A refreshingly personal interpretation of bassmusic. Who'd have thought that an „Adaption Discorder“ sounds so good!

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