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fish recordings : Acid Lab - Bloodbath

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Catalog number
Playtime: 4:27 - 320kb/s - 8.34 MB
Date released
Date published
2010/01/04 13:14h



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Release Notes

the song of the nibelungs has a very interesting topic about taking abloodbath: after killing a dragon, siegfried of xanten bathed in itsblood which rendered him invulnerable. unfortunately for siegfried, aleaf from a linden tree fell onto his back. the small patch of skin thatthe leaf covered did not come in contact with the dragon's blood,leaving siegfried vulnerable in that single spot. under the context of athreat of war, hagen von tronje (siegfrieds archenemy) persuadeskriemhild, siegfried's wife, who still trusts hagen, to mark siegfried'ssingle vulnerable point on his clothing with a cross under the premiseof protecting him. now knowing siegfried's weakness, the fake campaignis called off and hagen then uses the cross as a target on a huntingtrip, killing siegfried with a spear as he is drinking from a if you plan to take a bloodbath in order to become invulnerable, makesure to get covered completely.

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