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suRRism-Phonoethics : ABQ - Jochen Arbeit, Gerd Bessler, Hopek Quirin Live!

Catalog number
Playtime: 01:13:46 - 320kb/s - 138.31 MB
Date released
Date published
2010/01/17 16:27h



experimentalelectronicavant-gardecontemporary classicabqjochen arbeitgerd besslerhopek quirinsurrism-phonoethics Please login to edit Tags
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Release Notes

suRRism-Phonoethics is thrilled to announce this live recording release...from the fabulous trio ABQ, Jochen ArbeitGerd BesslerHopek Quirin!-Recorded live at Sophiensäle Berlin by Marco Paschke. Mixed and mastered by Marco Paschke at andereBaustelle Berlin.Covers by Hopek Quirin. Released by suRRism-Phonoethics sPE_0003"ABQ the threesome solid unit! be prepared distinguished sparks you will be flattered as you fly"-André PissoirPROUDLY brought to you by suRRism-Phonoethics

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