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Zimmer-Records : ABIZ SONKO - AUER CHENS

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Playtime: 29:24 - 320kb/s - 55.12 MB
Date released
Date published
2013/08/21 06:18h



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Release Notes

Ei nid help, Streinjah, for oldou ei hef tu Grendsonts, ei em lonli end anhepi bikos dei du not lof or ker for mi. Dei tel mi det ei em from en olda worlt. In mei janga deis tinks wor difrent. Olt men wor hepi. Wen dei deit, dei wor burit wit honor. Bat in mei kejs, Streinjah, mei olt ejtsh hes bin anhepi. End mei onli fir is det wen ei dei, mei Grendsonts wil not akort mi de honor du tu mei ejtsh. It wil be a disgrejs. Ferwel, Streinjah. if ju kol egen end ei em eleif, ei wil welkom ju bak. [Shejms Hensho - Auer Chens]

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