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Pavillon36 : A Place To Hide

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Catalog number
Playtime: 28:00 - 294kb/s - 49.07 MB
Date released
Date published
2011/01/31 04:14h



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Release Notes

Adviruz is an electronic music project started by Pýnar Gürcan in 2009. Adviruz, combining her tracks composed over the years and the technical knowledge she acquired and giving them form in a computer, published online albums and recruited successful engineers and musicians Erhan Kabakçý and Barýþ Gökçer Akbay. Later on the team was accompanied by thereminist Cihan Gülbudak. Barýþ G. Akbay, Erhan Kabakçý and Cihan Gülbudak are providing guitar, bass, theremin and production support to electronic based tracks of Adviruz, still actively pursuing her efforts. After debut-album "Nightly Sounds" on Section 27 Netlabel, we're proudly present you this second release from Adviruz, "A Place To Hide". All songs are composed by Pýnar Gürcan except for the covers "Imperial March (Darth Vader's Theme)" and "Love Is As Good As Soma" (original by Tiamat). All songs programmed by Pýnar Gürcan. Electric Guitars in "Love Scum" was played by Erhan Kabakçý. Electric Guitars and Bass in "Owls" was played by Barýþ Gökçer Akbay.

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