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editora do porto : A EN TIO

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Catalog number
Playtime: 14:30 - 320kb/s - 27.19 MB
Date released
Date published
2012/02/10 22:09h



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Release Notes

Monsieur Massard presents us with a project called "A EN TIO", borrowing from the name of an enigmatic place he passes by from time to time.
This intriguing grocery, closed for ages, has been decaying and the outdoor sign is losing its letters. Originally, the sign read "ALIMENTATION"; then, after a few years, the "M" became a "W", turning upside down, the "I" fell, and so on... Today, all that is left is "A EN TIO".
The sounds in this work portray the decay process, the rough forces of nature and the passage of time (something we're all familiarized with, although we tend to ignore).

Cover design by David Matos.

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