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top 40 : A little suite for Christmas

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George Crumb, a renowned modern American composer, started to write music after Second World War, and he is still working nowadays. He wrote A Little Suite for Christmas for piano in 1980. The main idea of this composition is a dialogue between sound and silence, which is the fully legitimate "member" of Crumb's music. The long pauses between intensive blasts of sound prepare the listener very well to conceive even the subtlest musical passages, and the whole impression is really stunning.This version of the suite was performed at 16th December, at a public concert at Moscow Institute of Journalism and Literature by Pavel Dombrovsky, young and talented pianist from Moscow. He is a laureate of many international awards, and apart from regular concerts in Russia, he also played in England, Germany, Holland, Belgium, Italy, France, Poland and all over the world.

01. The Visitation 02. Berceuse for the Infant Jesus 03. The Shepherds' Noel 04. Adoration of the Magi 05. Nativity Dance 06. Canticle of the Holy Night 07. Carol of the Bells

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