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suRRism-Phonoethics : 87 Dreams of a Sociopath

Catalog number
Playtime: 01:17:56 - 320kb/s - 146.12 MB
Date released
Date published
2010/01/30 14:09h



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Release Notes

suRRism-PhonoethicsProudly Presents Bryan Lewis Saunders and his major spill!‘87 Dreams Of A Sociopath’ a giant leap in time!wearing microphones as pillow smiles, Bryan Lewis Saunders appears to be to most valuable sleeperof the 87 shattered dream chambers attached to blankets of stellar quality,- we suffer jaw cramps!This fine release of his also features an amazing E-Book (PDF) with Bryan’s Illustrations and collagesstarting from 1995-present.“The following dream descriptions were recorded upon waking up between 2005-2009, and transcribed as poems in October 2009. The illustrations were completed from 1995 to present. All vocal recordings are considered fairuse, for artists to use at will.” -Bryan Lewis Saunders‘For my ‘Don Vague’ missions,I would certainly choose Mr.Saundersas appropriate Investigator & fellow traveler for the next time we exhibit!’-André Pissoir‘Encountering Bryan Lewis Saunders, was like being tied to notionas leaving the house, watering the bed, proofing eyelid environments, and being not even available -i don't know, it just had me as the lights went out!’-Lester BétonReceive your eligible copy here: here: Bryan Lewis Saunders '87 Dreams of a Sociopath' (mp3 and covers)Here's the fantastic E-Book (PDF) for download. 

Visit the master: Bryan Lewis Saunders

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