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sojusrecords : 8 Bit Headz Mixed by BeatStar

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Catalog number
Playtime: 02:04:32 - 320kb/s - 233.50 MB
Date released
Date published
2010/07/20 15:07h



abstract hip-hop Trip-Hop oldskool module tracker headz Please login to edit Tags
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Release Notes

This mix will take you back to the golden days of the tracker scene and the netlabels. BeatStar has mixed the best abstract hiphop modules from the Sojus Vault archives in a 2 hour set. All the best headz of Simon Carless' pioneer netlabel Mono 211, Sojus Records and other groups are here: Lukas Nystrand known as Mortimer Twang [Sweden], William Lamy (WillBe) [France], Keith Baylis aka Vim! [UK], Jouni Helminen as Dharma [Finland], Andi Horvath (Ram0ne) RIP [Germany], Joonas Vähämäki (Substance) [Finland], Tomi Korkalainen aka Bay Tremore [Finland], Daniel Botschinsky (Relief) and Karsten Mathiesen (Skizo) aka Splif Prod. [Denmark], Sascha Zeidler as Linus [Germany], Lennart Gomes aka Skope [Sweden], Stefan Raab (Mentz) [Netherlands], the BeatStar Crew [France/Hungary], Csaba Barnóth and Balázs Hegyi from Superbus [Hungary], Zyad [Finland].
The 4 channel .mods are mastered to stereo and feature some unreleased tracks from BeatStar. Let the headz nod!

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