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itsu jitsu : 5 Dozen Bite-Sized Sonic Sculptures

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Playtime: 8:53 - 320kb/s - 16.66 MB
Date released
Date published
2011/06/26 23:01h



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Release Notes

5 Dozen Bite-Sized Sonic Sculptures, or 5DBSSS for short, is the brainchild of Wisconsin’s very own deep woods dwelling, dog herding canoeist and all round Cyber-Geek, Doug Sharp. Between now and some time in the future Doug will be constructing 5 groups of 12 miniature sound collages. These will be released as individual sets and once all 5 are available will be collected into one BIG package along with all of the artwork and a whole bunch of remixes of the Sonic Sculptures. There may even be videos as well.

Comes with the really quite fantabulous front, rear and project artwork. Oh yeah!

Members: Doug Sharp (Wisconsin, USA) - Music, Jason Kavanagh (Glasgow, SCO) – Graphic design & Artwork, The Moonshine Whisk (The Moon) – Artwork.

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