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Acustronica : 45 minutes in hard drive through different ways

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Playtime: 42:28 - 256kb/s - 63.70 MB
Date published
2013/05/13 12:54h



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The album "45 minutes in hard drive through different ways" was born as a soundtrack for an audio visual installation presenata in September 2012 in Valletta, capital of Malta, during the White Night, commissioned by the Malta Council for Culture and the arts. The Maltese show of 10 hours, including a live painting on three canvases (150 x 100) mounted in a prism, some of the sets with video projection art during the concert, is an attempt to insert an unusual artistic expression in a particular context of this location of the center of the Mediterranean. The show also includes body painting and audiovisual installation from which the music of the album is about. "Watch the white noise of the night!: A full immersion in multimedia arts" 1) During the first part (live painting), the contrast between past and present, will resonate in the choice of colors and techniques (acrylic on canvas and waste materials of the place). Electronic music, composed and played by the same, will accompany the whole stage, where the hand del'artista will move from the canvas to the body. The body art as a representation of an art is not an end in itself, but an encounter with the past that palpable decided on this, the reltà concrete which acts directly on the viewer, trying to actively engage in the artistic process. The idea of ​​popular art, reminiscent of street art. The contact with the public and involvement are the first and fundamental step in understanding the entire show. 2) The next step is the musical performance, where the color forms are transformed into live music, thanks to the whole band: Stephen Strong on bass, Fabio Outlines on drums, Francesco Baiocchi (writer and composer) on voice and on guitar. 3) The electronic sounds develop and unfold within this particular context, where the rock is mixed with colors, which in turn act as a vehicle for the perception of reality. The third and last part is represented by the projection of a three-dimensional video, prepared and studied at the White Night of Valletta. Projected images, not just the buildings and the ancient architectural structures of the place, will affect the viewers themselves, by entering the public and their presence within the work. An art that learn from people, and that the use of colors and shapes look mainly to tell his age. The idea of ​​the music that is never separated from painting, to sum up this process with the aid of video (in parallel with the accompanying musical performance) is in turn the need for an art able to get through a game of synaesthesia , to the viewers. A process that simultaneously develops all its forms, trying to represent the conflicts and problems of the present. The precise lines of motherboards and other computer components (history of our times), add colors from different shapes, representing the contemporary chaos (communicative-urban-cultural). The music acts in the same direction of visual art. The idea of ​​the video installation summarizes and synthesizes the entire process synaesthetic. In it lies the true essence of the project: art as a set of techniques that are accessible to everyone in which the three-dimensional and the physical and visual contact on the viewers themselves play a crucial role in the idea of ​​a present dominated by disorder and speed delusional. The landscape intact and inviolate of 'Ancient city of Malta, is part of this message veicolativo, directing towards a smarter use of art and its forms (which, although times to the present and real, like fundamental point of departure) do not forget the past. Synaesthesia Mediterranean: Observe the sounds by listening to the colors. What Francesco Baiocchi offers is an innovative idea of ​​contamination of various art forms. The senses of perception come together and mingle in an art project to create a new conception of art. During the ten-hour show painting and music make space with each other, contaminating each other. The electronic sounds of Motherboards Project, (Francesco Baiocchi, Fabio and Stephen Strong Side) accompanying the entire performance, are transformed into colors, the artist will present the live painting, dynamic and in constant motion. The art of Francesco Baiocchi not separate forms of expression. Every single step of the artistic process is essential to the work, conceived in its entirety. And it is within this conception that the viewer is involved in the same building and the transformations it undergoes. The Body-Art, proposal, therefore, moves in this direction, seeking contact with the viewer, which becomes part of the process. And it will be in the final part of the show you will see and understand fully the creative game yet articulated on different art forms. The video will be presented is nothing more than a compendium finale of the show. In it, the concept of pictorial and musical Francesco Baiocchi, along the lines of creative display will open to a representation typically designed and adapted to the location in Malta. The enclosed space of a common place and passage, like the old market in Valletta, becomes the ideal setting for this show, where the daily flow of people of all ages, ethnicities and cultures, represents the ideal stage where represent new concepts , new ways of thinking and conceiving represented. Through the use of different languages ​​artisci, subscribed to a single process, the physical boundaries are broken due to this continuous communication between artist and viewer that leads to the knowledge and the exploration of diversity. The show of Francesco Baiocchi arrive so the Notte Bianca Malta proposing, in ten-hour show, the synthesis of an original and innovative artistic process. The album "45 minutes in hard drive through different ways" was entirely composed and recorded by Francesco Baiocchi.