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12rec : 3bit Pankow EP

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Catalog number
Playtime: 29:44 - 192kb/s - 33.45 MB
Date published
2009/09/14 15:31h



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Release Notes

compared with the sichtbeton LP, you might find the former 3bit pankow EP more low-keyed or even less catchy; rap music as a guide for producing does not play an important role after all. lunte, who has contributed most of the beats and sounds, uses his background as a source of inspiration to expand the borders of hip hop into ambient and electronica. for instance, he does no straight rapping on this record, although he is working with voices extensively.the songs billow up and down, layer-by-layer jens adds synthesizers, vocal-fragments and field-recordings, always approaching climax from the back, still being able to find the right moment to let the songs end. foggy jazz-chords give rise to simple but effective melodies. there is a certain connection to the works of anticon's sole and especially cLOUDDEAD, with whom sichtbeton share the 'flow' on this record: pieces quite ambient (harmonizer) are next to downright house tracks (der antistatische mann) and moody instrumental hip hop, like it's nothing can find the sichtbeton LP's disenchanting realism being outlined though the 3bit pankow EP (produced within the same year) by sort of artificial darkness, that does not emerge from berlin-pankow backyards. for real, it comes deep from the listener's hearts. 3bit: heart, soul, mind.

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