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rawmatroid : 2keydrops Ep

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Catalog number
Playtime: 15:41 - 320kb/s - 29.41 MB
Date released
Date published
2010/07/03 20:17h



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Release Notes

This ep is an especial edition made by James McConachew for Rawmatroid Club. It contains two tracks made along 2006 and 2007. Both tracks mix melodies and glitchs in a noisy-proggy experiment, full of feelings and with a cute production.

Coldlime continues an evolution that brings us from a simple beginning and marked snare hits, a climax in the middle of the tune, where pads and voices hypnotize the listener, slowly bringing it to the final explosion which makes this production. 

Irascible is a more minimalist cut in essence, more subtle, in which holded back sensations just slowly starts to waking up strong emotions; an aura of crescendo energy surrounds in melody form the length of the entire track.

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