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Playtime: 1:56 - 320kb/s - 3.62 MB
Date released
Date published
2012/08/20 00:26h



noiseplunderphonicsworlddaniel corralspinal frogcollagecomposer Please login to edit Tags
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Release Notes

2'42" is an online series that reflects on the evolving nature of duration and form in this globalized new millenium.

A claim has been made that 2 minutes and 42 seconds is the perfect length for a pop song. This statement has been circling the internet, independently initiated by bloggers Joshua Allen and John Scalzi. It has been perpetuated by the likes of Boing Boing, Wired, NPR, and many more.

2'42" takes that statement to heart. Music written and/or recorded in cities around the world has been "corrected" to fit that "perfect pop song" length of 2:42. Each track is named after the city where its source material originated.

A single installment of 2'42" will be released online every week until further notice. They will be made available for free on sites like Bandcamp, Soundcloud, Sonic Squirrel, Internet Archives, Youtube, and Vimeo.

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