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rumpfunk records : [rfr032] LLUVIA ACIDA - Remixalia

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Catalog number
Playtime: 56:02 - 56kb/s - 18.13 MB
Date published
2013/04/26 15:05h



electronicaelectroremixalbumgoarumpfunkrfrrfr032lluvia acidaremixalia Please login to edit Tags
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Release Notes

This is our 47th Release and its something different.
No normal Rumpfunk-Release! Crazy Stuff meets Pop and Acid / Goa / Electro. It's a complete REMIX-Album by some nice acts from chile.

Sit down and listen this crazy hot stuff :)

Please ignore the 56 kbps after playtime on the top. the album is over 100 mb and in 320 bkps!


PS: Don't forget.. in few weeks comes our "7 YEAR'S RFR" Birthday Compilation!

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Lounge Sandals
Public Playlist
3 Tracks | Playtime: 16:46

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