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escala : [escala 1:5] Vertice

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Playtime: 27:05 - 320kb/s - 50.78 MB
Date released
Date published
2010/02/16 09:29h



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Release Notes

Vértice is the new work from Alex Alarcón under his Sustainer alias. After publishing as a producer with various works focusing on the dancefloor during his early years, it´s wasn’t until 2008, that he showed a growing interest in the more minimalist experimental side. Currently centered in the study of random-self generated sounds with modular systems, acustic instruments, and field recordings. Alex debuts for escala NetLabel with a subtle work closer to 12K label aesthetic with the help of Giuseppe Ielasi at the mastering process. These three new tracks suppose a breath of fresh air to our catalogue and confirms Sustainer as an authentic value inside the current electronic scene.

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