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escala : [escala 0:9] Condiciones de contorno

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Playtime: 35:02 - 320kb/s - 65.69 MB
Date released
Date published
2009/12/13 21:47h



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Release Notes

We continue expanding our vector space through the scalar production of the personal subspace that generate all that independent vector. In our incessant search of different subspaces, we have found one call Javier Rubio. Under the coordinates of architect, investigator and sonorous artist, he got to draw a work sprinkled of broken context changes, click & cuts fragmented exponentially and rhythmic structures of complex character. The final product is this “Condiciones de contorno”, whose form is a continuous work of the part and in which, the context is a broken work on the time. As Domingo Portas said: “It develops an idea, divide it and you will have poetry, add it audio and will be born the music, freeze it and will see architecture”.

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11 October 2010
11 October 2010
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10 Tracks | Playtime: 56:12

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