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ChaseRecords : [chase036] - Pharotek - Travel Through A Moon

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Catalog number
Playtime: 32:28 - 320kb/s - 60.88 MB
Date released
Date published
2011/04/28 18:28h



idmambientdowntempomelodicspace ambienttribal Please login to edit Tags
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Release Notes

New emotional Ambient trip on Chase Records. Hailing from Serbia, Pharotek delivers a 8 track album showing his rich and multi-textural ambient works. With “Travel Through A Moon” you can expect deep and sweet textures, dark and epic atmospheres, puzzling melodies, obscure tribal and ethnic rhythms, quiet broken beats patterns and hanging layers arranged with talent. This album looks like the perfect soundtrack for a science-fiction movie. Get ready for a 35 minutes space ambient trip!

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