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ChaseRecords : [chase hs 06] - The Industrialism - Inconsequential Hallucinations

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Catalog number
Playtime: 46:28 - 320kb/s - 87.12 MB
Date released
Date published
2011/11/07 22:19h



idmambientbreakcoremelancholicbreakbeatdrill'n'bass Please login to edit Tags
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Release Notes

Throughout these 23 tracks, the listener is invited to a deep introspection into
The Industrialism's mind and feelings. Using various softwares and plugins blended with real instruments, The Industrialism
combines sharp breakcore constructions with soulfull and melancholic melodies, inspired by sad events he had to suffer these last years
in his personnal life. This "Inconsequential Hallucinations" album may sound surprising compared to the previous Chase Records releases
but it was so incredibly beautiful and touching that I thought it deserves to be released and broadcasted to a largest audience.

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