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ChaseRecords : [chase hs 05] - Data Shit - Reconstruction Deformation

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Catalog number
Playtime: 17:21 - 320kb/s - 32.53 MB
Date released
Date published
2011/08/20 13:12h



breakcorespeedcorehardcoredata shit Please login to edit Tags
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Release Notes

For this new ‘Hors Serie’ release, Chase Records offers, in collaboration with other insane net labels [ Mental Arrested (Germany), Sayona Records (Japan), Subspine (US), Torn Flesh Records (US), Night Terror Recordings (Australia), Viral Conspiracy Records (Italy)], the sick sound of Guatemalan Hardcore / Breakcore talent : Data Shit.

This release consists in 6 pieces of well produced dark Breakcore and Hardcore combining sick beats and breaks, scary atmospheres and nice melodic works.

Once again this release is available for free download in high quality MP3 and Flac. Don’t miss this one!

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