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Bleepsequence : [blpsq010] lock airtight

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Playtime: 01:30:50 - 320kb/s - 170.31 MB
Date released
Date published
2010/12/13 04:26h



experimentalglitchtechnominimaltechouserevybleepsequencejuan farcikdrugstoretrigerfingerchris firenze Please login to edit Tags
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Release Notes

If you're determined enough to unlock this cabinet, inside you'll find a swirling world full of devious musical tricks and traps, and navigating Juan Farcik's alien data is definitely worth the effort. Resident bleepers Trigerfinger and Chris Firenze meticulously pick the locks with their sly techniques, and demolitions experts Drugstore also join the efforts with their own explosive solution. And to pack all of the contents back into a more condensed form, Revy re-seals the deal with a densely layered micromix.

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