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Benekkea : [bkk018] Noctiflora - Edward

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Release Notes

It blooms during the night, when the lights are extinguished and the black color asserts its existence... It blooms in the fields, in the hearts in the metrò... sometimes it blooms dissipating displeased and scattering indignation... this is Noctiflora a young romantic Italian duo (Rome) who love The Cure...

Edward, the first album of this litlle 'flower of the night', is an acoustic dark/wave little masterpiece which narrate a melancholic and sweet nightsky cover of fallen stars around our dreams and thoughts... yes a few imperfect but i can say a great point to start!!!!!

Try lo listen the interesting interpretation of 'A forest'...

Good Dreams!!!!!!!

Benekkea and Noctiflora

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