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NKS International : [NKSprod65] Mind Muncher

Playtime: 23:22 - 320kb/s - 43.77 MB
Date released
Date published
2011/06/19 22:30h



breakcoremetalnks internationalmind muncherdubcoreelectrocoreharddrum Please login to edit Tags
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Release Notes

"When rough metal meets hard electronics...
This amazing mixture created by the 2 men band from Lille (France)
Mind Muncher contains dubcore / harddrum / breakcore beats,
complex metal vocal work & other instruments like metal guitar,
free jazz saxophone or noise synths.
Fans of Eustachian, Drumcorps, Whourkr or Mike Patton vocal
performances, you should appreciate this really good release."

"Amateurs d'électronique dure (dubcore breakcore harddrum),
de voix et guitare métal, et surtout d'un mélange des 2 réussi,
amateurs de Drumcorps, Whourkr, Eustachian, Mike Patton...
Jetez-vous sur cette bombe volante non identifiée !"
Otto Psy [NKS International]

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