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NKS International : [NKSprod55 ] More About Death ep

Playtime: 17:57 - 320kb/s - 33.66 MB
Date released
Date published
2010/11/12 20:59h



breakcorespeedcoredarksteprussianks international Please login to edit Tags
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Release Notes

"SA†AN is by now inside the body of a young russian man. Not a surprise. Russia already gave us Ivan the Terrible, Bakunin, Stalin & Putin. It is our great pleasure to announce that he is playing loud breakcore, speedcore & darkstep crazy tunes. Check his older releases on Acid Samovar (RUS), Sustained (UK), Foulplay (USA), Monstersound (RUS), Mindsaw (USA), Black Hoe (HU), Wicked Area (RUS), Rus Zud (RUS), Deadpixel (BLR), Distortion (UKR), Deadlines (RUS) & Cuntroll (RUS). Feel free now to listen & download his last compositions, and do not hesitate to spread the Evil muzak worldwide. Oh Lord, Russia will save us once again !" Otto Psy [NKS International]


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