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ChaseRecords : [Chase042] - GRONAZZ - Les Expériences Quotidiennes .01

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Catalog number
Playtime: 45:52 - 320kb/s - 86.00 MB
Date released
Date published
2011/09/30 22:35h



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Release Notes

For Chase 042, french artist, GroNaZz, offers us 11 sound UFOs. These incredible experimental audio works, combining ambient, noise, abstract, industrial and drone music consist in free interpretations of the original soundtrack and atmosphere from the motion picture “Blueberry, l’expérience secrète”.

GroNaZz gives us here his own vision of shamanism and hallucinogenic matters, just working on the sound structure and acoustics. This album is a deep travel into sound experiments and disturbing landscapes of human imagination. It clearly asks for being listened with a nice pair of headphones.

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