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Pavillon36 : [Audissect]

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Playtime: 01:16:03 - 178kb/s - 80.26 MB
Date released
Date published
2009/12/26 13:52h



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Release Notes

Hailing from Galway, Ireland is one Ventolyn And Becotyde who brings us [Audissect],a 22 tracks opus that tickles your ears gently with its warm synths, kicks you in the face with basslines (see “Bass Tamers System Lick”)whilst the fractured glitchy beats shine like glass shards. Suffice to say it’s got many sides to its form.[Audissect] comes on like an album of many moods, yet always retains its “wholeness”.We have a feeling there are nothing but better things to come from this artist but for now we have this to wrap our heads around.An absolute sonic delight in the headphones... enjoy!

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Playlists containing tracks from this release

4 October 2010
4 October 2010
Public Playlist
12 Tracks | Playtime: 59:03
Pavillon36 Sampler
Pavillon36 Sampler
jonas, Pavillon36
Shared Playlist
16 Tracks | Playtime: 01:07:07

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