You run a Label?
You run Your own Label and want it to appear on
All You have to do is:
- 1. Create an User account,
- 2. then choose 'Create Label',
- 3. and finally add Your releases
And why should You do so? Read here!
Website Registered 2005-12-29 Last activity 2019-07-29 |
ZH27 replaced as my online identity in December 2002. ZH27 is the code for my 27 year mission to extensively chart new audio realms including collaborations with fellow explorers worldwide. A short zids history follows...
Zanstonean International Distribution Service was founded in 1983 to engage in postal exchange of original visual arts and printed matter. A cassette label exploring the audio arts was established in fall 1984. A remarkable period of growth involving intensive international exchange and collaboration has continued ever since.