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The german word Stadtgruen describes the urban parks and gardens where the modern spirit can ground itself and harmonize with its roots.

The netlabel Stadtgruen would like to consider the alive contradiction which lies in the fundamental but vivid antithesis of culture (stadt) and nature (gruen). A basic idea of the occidental culture is the rational division of the world into two parts. Body and spirit, nature and culture, on this side and hereafter are dialectic poles of our world recognition that is reflected in our living together, our language and our arts. Each human generation has got the task to analyze this relationship anew, to set its own point of view and to create a new synthesis. Thereby sometimes naturalness is outweighing, sometimes artificiality, depending upon the evolution step and the technical possibilities.

electronicaidmhip-hop + coin the caveat the beachto danceto chill Please login to edit Tags
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