You run a Label?
You run Your own Label and want it to appear on
All You have to do is:
- 1. Create an User account,
- 2. then choose 'Create Label',
- 3. and finally add Your releases
And why should You do so? Read here!
Website Maintainer[s] Registered 2006-11-28 Last activity 2019-07-31 |
A NetLabel is a free online label. Back in February 2006 when I knew this definition and I began to get interested, I never imagined I would end up building a weblog about it, and even less than 8 months later go one step further and to create this small netlabel. Mininet is born to offer dance music and to be useful as a platform for promote new artists interested into this media.
Un netlabel es un sello online gratuito. En febrero de 2006 cuando conocà esta definicià³n y comencé a interesarme en el tema nunca imaginé que acabaràa montando un weblog sobre ello y mucho menos que tras 8 meses, me decidiràa a dar un paso mà¡s creando este pequeà±o netlabel. Mininet nace con la idea de ofrecer màºsica de baile, promoverla y servir como plataforma para artistas que estén interesados en darse a conocer a través de este medio.